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Número total de libros encontrados: 37 para tu búsqueda
La sociedad justa

La sociedad justa

Autor: Luis Beltrán Guerra G.

Número de Páginas: 380

La crisis humanitaria, para Ifigenia Fernández, acabaría con el mundo. No pierde ocasión para exponer las razones de su angustia, actitud tormentosa que conmina a Nicanor Zubizarreta, su pareja, a consultar con Monseñor Julio Oliveros, quien predice una probable posesión diabólica, de alto riesgo para su mujer. Afortunadamente, deciden casarse y disfrutar la vida, convencidos de que al mundo lo han de componer otros. No ellos.

The Antic Creedoolies

The Antic Creedoolies

Autor: Jay Bynum

Número de Páginas: 462

The Antic Creedoolies IS about love. Louis Custis Lee, a very wise black man descended from Jeffersons and Custises of Virginia, raises seven white and part-white children as siblings in Christian County from 1920 to post-Vietnam. It is a desperate time calling for intelligence, humor, and a willingness to seize any advantage in every situation. Through three teenage pregnancies, a murder, a depression, and three wars he holds them together with care and tough love. They become war heroes, farmers, Peace Corps volunteers, businessmen--successful, loving adults with a sense of family. Like him.

Tumba de Dioses

Tumba de Dioses

Autor: Jay Kristoff

Número de Páginas: 773

Segunda entrega de la trilogía «Crónicas de la Nuncanoche» «DOMINA TUS MIEDOS Y PODRÁS DOMINAR EL MUNDO.» «Si te gustan Robin Hobb y George R. R. Martin, te encantará Nuncanoche.» Starbust Mia Corvere ha encontrado su lugar en la Iglesia Roja, la famosa escuela de asesinos. La joven se halla entre los elegidos de la Señora del Bendito Asesinato, aunque muchos creen que no lo merece. Mia juró venganza pero aún no ha cumplido su palabra. Cuando sospecha que la propia Iglesia está impidiendo que acabe con el hombre que mató a su familia, se vende a sí misma a un reclutador de gladiadores para poder enfrentarse a él. En los pasillos del coliseo hace nuevas amistades y nuevos rivales, y empieza a preguntarse por su afinidad con las sombras. Pero a medida que se urden conspiraciones, se revelan secretos y arranca el recuento de cuerpos, Mia se ve obligada a elegir entre lealtad o venganza, y su elección será clave para la tierra en la que sus tres soles casi jamás llegan a ponerse. Reseñas: «Más sensual, más ruda, más feroz, más sangrienta... Una adrenalítica aventura en la que la acción nunca se detiene.» USA Today «Un universo sensual, de un sinfín de...

Messed-Up Kid

Messed-Up Kid

Autor: Jay Thomas Willis

Número de Páginas: 104

“Messed-Up Kid describes the authors childhood, family, and community relationships. It describes many of his adult relationships as well. It presents a young man who came from nowhere, experiencing trials and tribulations, trying to get from point “A” to point “B.” It pictures a young man who never expected to, but did achieve some degree of success. A commentary on what it’s like to come from a tough place, and realize this degree of success. All this is accomplished through maxims that are powerful, to the point, succinct, and direct. A good maxim is worth a thousand words.

The Gifted

The Gifted

Autor: Jay Crouch

Número de Páginas: 73

"Well, let's just say I've been through a lot of things that should have put me in the grave a long time ago. And everytime I get hacked, shot, thrown off a building, burnt alive, blown up... I just get better. You see these fangs I got." Savage put his hand on Orbit's shoulder and showed him his menacing teeth. "Well, a farmer took a baseball bat to my face and knocked them and every other tooth out of my face when he thought I was killing his calves. Right after that he put a shot gun to my face and pulled the trigger. I don't know about you but most people don't look like me after something like that, let alone be walking the earth. That's why I hope this Michael doesn't put my blood into the wrong hands."

El síndrome Woody Allen

El síndrome Woody Allen

Autor: Edu Galán

Número de Páginas: 372

¿Por qué, después de más de veinte años con el caso cerrado, el debate sobre la monstruosidad de Woody Allen se ha recrudecido? En 2017 Woody Allen fue declarado culpable por una parte de la opinión pública. Con el auge del movimiento Me Too, el testimonio de su hija Dylan sobre los supuestos abusos sexuales que sufrió por parte de su padre hizo revivir con virulencia la antigua acusación de su madre, Mia Farrow, de principios de los noventa. La confesión de la niña arrancó entonces una serie de investigaciones policialesy de los servicios sociales que, sin ni siquiera llegar al juzgado, acabaron exonerando al cineasta. ¿Por qué, después de más de veinte años con el caso cerrado, el debate sobre la monstruosidad de Allen se ha recrudecido? El síndrome Woody Allen recorre los síntomas que explican esta cuestión: el omnipresente sentimentalismo y victimismo; las nuevas formas de activismo; los tabúes sociales; la irrupción de internet y sus consecuencias comunicativas y psicológicas; el falsorecuerdo; la intrincada relación entre ficción y realidad; la tiranía del sujeto-cliente en nuestra época; o la relevancia actual de la causocracia, donde parece...

Física para futuros presidentes

Física para futuros presidentes

Autor: Richard A. Muller

Número de Páginas: 416

Un manual fascinante, divertido y accesible de esos temas que todo futuro presidente, y los ciudadanos, deben saber.

The Sharks of North America

The Sharks of North America

Autor: Jose I. Castro

Número de Páginas: 628

A complete reference to all the sharks inhabiting North American waters, with excellent color illustrations of all the species.

Flypaper Dreams

Flypaper Dreams

Autor: Jay Kendall

As he deals with the death of his father just before Thanksgiving in 1971, Zack journeys through significant childhood memories. To better understand himself, his father, and their difficult relationship, he revisits some dark and troubling vignettes from his memory. As pieces of the puzzle are revealed on this voyage of discovery and transformation, Zack must face the challenge of whether to reconcile with his past. Set in the years of World War II, Flypaper Dreams explores the thirty-year history of family dynamics and personal growth.



Autor: Niall Ferguson

Número de Páginas: 661

Una historia de las catástrofes deslumbrante, original y repleta de ideas para el futuro que pone en perspectiva el ya conocido como annus horribilis. Los desastres son difíciles de prever, pero en la actualidad deberíamos estar mejor preparados contra las catástrofes que los romanos cuando el Vesubio entró en erupción o que los italianos cuando golpeó la Peste Negra en la Edad Media. Al fin y al cabo, nosotros contamos con la ciencia. Sin embargo, tal y como ha quedado demostrado con la crisis del coronavirus, la respuesta de la mayoría de países desarrollados ante un nuevo patógeno ha sido más bien torpe. ¿Cómo es posible? Niall Ferguson sostiene, entre muchas otras cosas, que estaban en juego patologías previas arraigadas ya visibles en nuestras respuestas a otros desastres del pasado. Desde diversas disciplinas, incluidas la economía y la ciencia de redes, Desastre ofrece no solo una historia, sino también una teoría general de los desastres, y expone cómo nuestros complejos y atrofiados sistemas de gobernanza son incapaces de afrontar las crisis. Como muestra Ferguson, los gobiernos deben aprender a ser menos burocráticos y más resilientes si quieren...

The King of Sunday Morning

The King of Sunday Morning

Autor: Jay B. Mccauley

Número de Páginas: 426

The King of Sunday Morning is a geezer. Not in the traditional sense of the word as in old man. This geezer is a face, a wannabe, a top notch bloke. He is the greatest DJ that never was. He should have been. Could have been. Would have been. Now becoming a has-been.... Tray McCarthy was born into privilege but with the genetic coding of London's violent East End. Having broken the underworld's sacred honour code, it is only his family's gangland connections that save him. But in return for his life, he must deny that which he has ever known or ever will be and runs to Australia where he is forced to live an inconsequential life. But trouble never strays far from Tray McCarthy and eventually his past and present collide to put everyone he has ever loved in danger. He must now make a stand and fight against those that are set to destroy him and play their game according to his rules. Set against the subterfuge and violence of the international drugs trade, The King of Sunday Morning is the tale of what can go wrong when you make bad decisions. Tray McCarthy has made some of the worst. He must now save those he holds dear but in the process gets trapped deeper and deeper into a world ...

Beyond the Sunrise

Beyond the Sunrise

Autor: Dr. Mark Jay Gang

Número de Páginas: 204

John Sable has it all: a happy marriage, an amazing career, and great friends. On the morning of September 11, 2001, his train to New York is delayed. When he ultimately arrives at work, there is utter chaos. The unimaginable has occurred: a jumbo jet hijacked by terrorists has destroyed the World Trade Center, causing destruction, fear, and pandemonium. John’s life will never be the same. Emotionally scarred from the horrific events of 9/11, his mental health crumbles. Once highly successful and self-confident, John becomes a man torn apart by fear. His PTSD affects everything around him, from his job to his personal relationships. He feels unable to survive the magnitude of his trauma. A moment in time can change the course of history and have an effect on one man’s destiny. John must find a way to rise above his emotional upheaval and discover the path back to the man he once was. Will he be able to survive his ordeal and conquer post-traumatic stress, or will the unfathomable events of 9/11 ultimately destroy him?

El cuerpo humano (edición ilustrada)

El cuerpo humano (edición ilustrada)

Autor: Bill Bryson

Número de Páginas: 562

Pasamos toda nuestra vida en un solo cuerpo y, sin embargo, la mayoría de nosotros no tenemos prácticamente ni idea de cómo funciona y lo que sucede en su interior.En este Bestseller internacional, Bill Bryson sale de viaje para averiguar exactamente cómo funciona el cuerpo humano y pronto descubre que es infinitamente más complejo, asombroso y a menudo, más misterioso de lo que jamás habría esperado.Viajando desde el cerebro hasta las regiones inferiores y desde el comienzo de la vida hasta su fin, revela que somos una historia increíble de éxito. Y la historia de cómo hemos intentado dominar nuestra biología y prevenir la enfermedad está llena de héroes olvidados, anécdotas sorprendentes y hechos extraordinarios.Esta impresionante edición ilustrada retrata vívidamente lo que narra con cientos de ilustraciones históricas y modernas fotografías. Infinitamente fascinante, tan compulsivamente fácil de leer como completo, este manual del usuario, de lectura obligada, es Bryson en todo su esplendor.

Menos tech y más Platón

Menos tech y más Platón

Autor: Scott Hartley (business Consultant)

Número de Páginas: 229

Explica de forma brillante un tema de actual relevancia en la empresa y en la educación actual: la importancia de la ética, las humanidades y las habilidades sociales en un mundo inminentemente tecnológico y su aplicación en las tecnologías que dominarán el mundo en el futuro del trabajo: el big data, la inteligencia artificial o la robótica. Hartley nos muestra que, en realidad, son los formados en humanidades los que juegan un papel clave en el desarrollo de los negocios y las tecnologías porque analizan los problemas y ofrecen los mejores enfoques para resolverlos aportando habilidades fundamentales como la gestión, el liderazgo o la comunicación. Incluye casos de cómo los fundadores de las empresas más importantes de Silicon Valley como Apple, Google, PayPal o LinkedIn han incorporado las humanidades para convertirse en compañías de éxito mundial.

Travesía liberal

Travesía liberal

Autor: Enrique Krauze

Número de Páginas: 466

Al hilo de los testimonios y las entrevistas, las biografías y el análisis de la obra de figuras cardinales como Isaiah Berlin, Jorge Luis Borges, Leszek Kolakowski, Hugh Thomas, Paul Kennedy o John Elliott, Travesía liberal ofrece las claves para comprender los vaivenes de la historia, desde la España imperial hasta el 11-S, y arrojar nueva luz en el inquietante comienzo del siglo xx. Sólo un historiador como Enrique Krauze podía vertebrar episodios tan alejados en el tiempo y en la geografía como el movimiento neozapatista y el Holocausto, la Revolución de Terciopelo y el humanismo indigenista o el conflicto árabe-israelí... El rigor y la brillantez analítica que caracterizan las obras de Krauze confluyen en este volumen, en el que poco a poco se perfila no sólo la travesía de la humanidad a lo largo de los siglos, sino también la andadura intelectual del autor.

Sin imagen

Jay Kaplan's Short Stories

Autor: Jay Kaplan

Número de Páginas: 50

Stories by a jew from Riverdale,New York, and a great friend of mine. Touching. Jay has written numerous other books and passed away April 16th, 2017.

Océanos Nueva edición

Océanos Nueva edición

Autor: Dk

Número de Páginas: 338

Sumérgete en este maravilloso libro y explorara las profundidades marinas de manera visual y única Una bellísima introducción a la vida marina que traslada las riquezas del mundo submarino a las páginas de este extraordinario libro. Con asombrosas fotografías muestra la abundante vida en los mares, desde planctonmicroscópico hasta enormes ballenas, algas marinas y estrellas de mar. Este asombroso libro explora todos los rincones de los océanos, desde los arrecifes de coral y los manglares hasta las fosas marinas profundas. Con la ayuda de ilustraciones claras y sencillas, Océanos. El mundo secreto de las profundidades marinas explica cómo la vida se ha adaptado al medio marino, y nos enseña, por ejemplo, cómo un pez piedra liberasu veneno letal o cómo una esponja se alimenta a través de sus poros. También examina las mareas, los volcanes submarinos, los tsunamis o la formación de los océanos. Océanos. El mundo secreto de las profundidades marinas nos acerca a los seres vivos que habitan en un mundo inmenso, desconocido y fantástico.

The Awakening

The Awakening

Autor: Jack Christophe , Skx

Número de Páginas: 322

Agent Carter shot, left for dead. His only resource for Justice is the Sicilian Mafia. Agent Carter CIA has one motto in business, Kill or be Killed. Jack learns the hard-way, the clandestine game has multiple pitfalls and layers that can change anyone, including him. As the game erupts, he finds himself alone not knowing who can be trusted. Jack's killer mentality will have consequences for everyone around, including the innocent. He must ask himself, can a stone cold killer make a deal with a Demon to get the Devil, whether Friend or Foe? And live with the consequences ....

One Take Jake

One Take Jake

Autor: Jay Lang

Número de Páginas: 0

Lance is a fool He should've stayed home. He should've prioritized family, instead of running off to Europe to be a studio musician. But it's too late. His sister is dead After the funeral, he learns what pushed Hannah down the spiral of drug abuse. A year ago, she'd been gang-raped by a local band. At that moment, Lance's priorities shift. He can't save Hannah. But avenge her death...that's something he can do. All goes according to plan when he's hired, under an alias, as a guitarist for the band. But his focus is shifted when, after a gig one night, he meets Tessa. Her striking beauty and wild character consume him, pushing aside his obsession with vengeance. For a moment, Lance feels a spark of peace...until one night, he realizes just how foolish he's been to let his guard down Editorial Review One Take Jake is a heroic tale that ends in tragedy. The ancient stoics believed in Amor Fati, a Latin phrase that means, love one's fate. Good or bad we must embrace it and suffer the consequences of our actions. Read this fascinating story and reserve judgment for yourself. Only you can make that decision. Joe Lynn Turner

South of the Border

South of the Border

Autor: Jay Finn

Número de Páginas: 190

Mom kept a close watch over Jose when he was young. As she loosened her grip, he found life wasn't as easy as he had thought. The boys were rough on him, but as he grew into his teens and beyond, he found that girls and women were much harder to cope with. There were times when he was not sure he would survive. This is a story with lots of humor, drama, happiness, and sadness--not necessarily in that order. S.O.B. SOUTH OF THE BORDER JAY FINN

Lean Against the Wind

Lean Against the Wind

Autor: Reynold Jay

Número de Páginas: 0

This is a semi-biographical stand-alone Special Needs Christian tale that introduces the ""Seeds from Heaven" Trilogy.Raymond Lancaster, the second seed, is "called" to work as a Special ed. teacher in Springfield, Michigan in 1994. He begins his work in a forgotten dilapidated schoolhouse in Springfield where he finds success with the students and staff. Mr. Harrelson and aging and ill principal, is an inspiration to Lancaster, and his associates, Mills, and Rossiter. Mr. Harrelson is the victim of a scam that robs the estates of senior citizens and passes away penniless. A new special ed. Center is built in his honor and Lancaster and the staff are consolidated into it. Lancaster quickly realizes that the new administration is ruthless and has little concern for the students. He battles Principal Porterfield and Assistant Principal, Jacqueline Daugherty at every turn. When Lancaster discovers that one of his students, Jon Causey possesses world class singing talent, he brings him to the attention of a talent agency that signs him up for a ten year contract. Porterfield and Daugherty fight his every move to assist Jon and other students and a battle between the administration and ...

Caribbean Abstracts

Caribbean Abstracts

Autor: Koninklijk Instituut Voor Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde (netherlands). Caraïbische Afdeling

Número de Páginas: 208
Illuminae. Expediente_01 (Spanish Edition)

Illuminae. Expediente_01 (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Amie Kaufman , Jay Kristoff

Número de Páginas: 0

Aquella mañana, Kady creía que romper con Ezra sería lo más duro que tendría que hacer ese día. Por la tarde, su planeta fue invadido.La nueva obsesión juvenil de la temporada. -MTV4.3 estrellas en GoodreadsBestseller de The New York TimesCorre el año 2575 y dos megacorporaciones están en guerra por controlar los recursos de un pequeño planeta en el último rincón de la galaxia. Bajo fuego enemigo, Kady y Ezra -que apenas se hablan desde que lo dejaron- tienen que sobrevivir huyendo hacia una flota de evacuación. Una plaga mortal ha estallado y está mutando con resultados aterradores; nadie sabe lo que realmente está pasado. Kady piratea una página web repleta de datos para encontrar la verdad. Solo una persona puede ayudarla a sacarlo todo a la luz: el ex novio con el que juró que nunca volvería a hablar. La crítica ha dicho... Preparaos para "Illuminae". Entertainment Weekly Una experiencia interactiva para el lector... un viaje fantásticamente divertido. Ambiciosa, conmovedora y tan genial que no es de este mundo. Kirkus Reviews ENGLISH DESCRIPTION For fans of Marie Lu comes the first book in an epic series that bends the sci-fi genre into a new...

Kilo of Chaos

Kilo of Chaos

Autor: Jay Giles

Número de Páginas: 198

A package was delivered to Alex Jackson's house by mistake. Then Alex compounded the problem by accidentally opening it. What was inside was scary deadly. Carfentanyl. Alex turned it over to the FBI and thought that was the end of it. But, nooo, he's not getting out of this that easily. You see that package was the property of the Black Dragon Chinese Triad and the man it was intended for, Logan Lu, is intent on killing Alex for interfering. FBI Agent Riley Renner and her team want to protect Alex, but she needs his help to convict Lu. Lu is devious and his buyer-a rich psychopath who goes by the name John Lennon-is worse. Once he has the Carfentanyl, Lennon goes on a bizarre citywide murder spree. As the body count rises, the FBI seems unable to predict why, where, or when Lennon will strike next. Once again, they need Alex's help and, knowing he's up against a shrewd psychopath, Alex enlists the aid of the smartest person he knows-his sister Annabell. Together, along with dogs fraidy-cat Boo and guard-dog Bret, they go after Lennon. Lennon shouldn't have stood a chance. But he has a trick up his sleeve. And so do the Dragons. The difference just might be the dogs.

Angel of Life

Angel of Life

Autor: Jay J. Stemmer

Número de Páginas: 0

JOHN ROBERTS is born in China, a water birth. American Ambassador father and American mother. Competition swimming begins at age 4 followed by martial arts. His mother dies when he is seven and the father is killed when he is 12. He and his younger sister SUSAN and brother WAYNE join their stepfather in New Jersey. Private schooling in China puts them far above grades assigned by age. Bullies that start a fight end up in the hospital. The principal finds a way to send them to high school. Two hoodlums follow John after school. He leads them into the woods and leaves their dead bodies behind. John is accepted to take classes at USC so this is a good time to leave for Hollywood. John drops Akido, switches to boxing and trains for the Olympics. He sings and plays the piano with a local band, finishes school and the family goes to Korea. John gets talked into giving a charity rock and roll concert right at the Olympic games by his younger brother. He shuns the spotlight even though his multi-event gold medals thrust him there. NBC is hungry since the 1988 Seoul summer games is a ratings disaster. John returns to medical school at USC. The concert special kills during the November...

The Man Who Loved Too Much

The Man Who Loved Too Much

Autor: Jay Trott

Número de Páginas: 220

THE MAN WHO LOVED TOO MUCH is a heartbreaking tale of jealousy and revenge in a place where there should be nothing but love. Mike Shapely decides to go into the ministry when his beloved wife dies of cancer and finds himself in a large, thriving church. Everything seems to be going fine until he runs afoul of a power couple who have some unsettling ideas about who is and isn't a "Christian." Also he is shocked to find himself at odds with the church's celebrated pastor, Charles Ridley. It seems the better Mike does in the pulpit, the colder and more remote Charles becomes. Then an eager young pastor joins the staff with the vision of creating a faith statement to bring back the glory days of the Puritans, as he sees it. When Mike refuses to sign it, he finds himself in danger of losing his job. Suspenseful and poignant, THE MAN WHO LOVED TOO MUCH tells the story of a kindhearted person who is made to suffer for his talents and his generosity-not by the unbelieving world but by the very church he came to serve.

Jay McInerney Omnibus

Jay McInerney Omnibus

Autor: Jay Mcinerney

Número de Páginas: 640

The Story of My Life; For twenty-year-old Alison, Manhattan is a playground. She attends Lee Strasberg's Acting School (when she can get the fees together) and is smart, sarcastic and sussed.

Oliver Twisted and Turned

Oliver Twisted and Turned

Autor: James Jay Thomas

Número de Páginas: 308

Former boxer turned attorney Ray Oliver's life is a mess. What was precious to him is dead, and he can sink no lower. Or can he? He will find out when, to avoid being destitute, a friend wants him to commit a robbery. Ray Oliver becomes a lawyer, forsaking a promising boxing career and his mentor, Vinnie Sardi. He becomes an attorney at a prestigious law firm. Ray is falsely accused of mishandling a client's money. His job is in jeopardy. At a gambling casino, drunk, he argues with and punches a patron. The patron presses assault charges and sues. Criminal prosecution and disbarment are strong possibilities. Ray is contacted by his friend Sardi whom offers him an opportunity to make money. It involves a robbery. Ray, destitute and without alternatives, considers the offer. After inviting the police officers inside, Stephens said, "What can I do for you?" "Well, actually a couple of things," Kearse said...and almost as an afterthought, "that picture on the that your wife and kids? "Yeah, my son's eight and my daughter is ten." "Nice looking school now?" "Yeah, they won't be home for a couple of hours. Why?" "Ah, just idle curiosity...your wife...out shopping? Mine ...

The Very True Tale of Alex Johnson

The Very True Tale of Alex Johnson

Autor: Jay Jackson

Número de Páginas: 466

All the gods exist. And Alex Johnson isn't what you'd expect in a person who was given the great honor of maintaining the lives of all of them. He's a bit of a coward, has a delibitating fear of pain and is the world's biggest math nerd. And yet here we are. Venturing into the unknown and trying to figure out why so many people want to kill him.

The Good Life

The Good Life

Autor: Jay Mcinerney

Número de Páginas: 371

Gensyn med nogle af personerne fra romanen "Brightness Falls" (1992), som nu 10 år efter oplever 9/11 på nærmeste hold, en begivenhed som ændrer deres liv for altid og får dem til at reflektere over tilværelsens virkelige værdier

When One Falls Down

When One Falls Down

Autor: Jay Korn

Número de Páginas: 372

WHEN ONE FALLS DOWN is a novel written in the form of a memoir dictated by Howie Moon Friedman. For, now as he approaches the age of sixty he finds himself being troubled by two shadow figures who refuse to leave him be until he bears witness to events that took place thirty years before, when he and his friends were the last members of a neighborhood, trapped and unable to move on with their lives till one of them falls down and his ghost takes possession of a living man; thereby affecting the destiny of the others. *** Ghosts and foreign gangsters, Hasidus and prostitutes seeking their freedom, an accident that may have been murder, a homeless drunk and an alleged Jewish saint, risen from the dead to fix something-- which all has something to do with some guys who are still arguing over long forgotten games of stickball and two-hand touch played on a dead-end alley street.

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